“Welcome to Dan Sumner Marketing
Hi and welcome to my corner of the internet where I mostly talk about online marketing, money and the odd rant about life and business.
1st of all, if you haven’t done so already grab my free marketing from scratch eBook from the sidebar and I’ll send it right over instantly (no charge at all).
Ok, as you will probably notice the front of Dan Sumner looks all nice and business like, but my blog side is about info and for discussion of any kind, so please feel free to chat in the comments section and also SHARE your thoughts. Also if you want to share on social media then please do so.
About me
I can usually get through this is a few lines, but seen as you are here I will let you into a few secrets.
I’m now over forty! Don’t worry younger generation people I still like a party and may use some un-cool words now and then, but stick with me I know my stuff.
For the people older, much older or the same age, you will know what I’m talking about when it comes to the forty something jargon, so you’ve come to right place as well.
I’ve been online marketing for ages, since 2006 so you could say I’ve been about a bit. I’ve done the seminars, the meetings, the launches, the $100, $1000, $10,000 Dollar days, been wealthy, skint (zero money to my name), buy I still earning an income slightly more than some (quite a bit over the national average in the UK) but not as much as The Wolf of Wall Street.
So you could say I can help you with your online business.
*disclaimer – Some of the things I teach here, will or may lead to a sale of one of my product or a commissions for a recommendation of another product. What I teach works, it’s up to you to put in the effort to make it work.
“Random insta quote – Wealth is a dream until YOU make it real. No one got rich by doing nothing.”
What’s next?
Here are a couple of posts to check out in the meantime. Remember to grab the report, this also allows me to stay in touch with you:
How to Write The Perfect Email
How to Write The Perfect Email How to Write The Perfect Email? A very broad subject to say the least depending on what context you prefer to write in. But we are not talking love letters, we are talking an email marketing series which is going to help your...
Beginners Email Marketing Introduction
Beginners Email Marketing Introduction Welcome to the first part in this series called Beginners Email Marketing Introduction. Inside the next 10 part series we will take a look at the most important aspects of email marketing and how you can use them within your...
50 Email Marketing Headlines to Make You a Legend
50 Email Marketing Headlines to Make You a Legend Moving into the next part of the Email Marketing Series, in this chapter of the series we are going to concentrate on 50 Email Marketing Headlines to Make You a Legend. Creating a killer headline for your email is...
Covid 19 Lockdown and How You Can Benefit
Covid 19 Lockdown and How You Can Benefit I won’t come close to ticking everyones box here, but from an online marketers point of view, this is how me and my family are handling the Covid 19 lockdown and how you can benefit. What is a Black Swan? “A black swan is an...
New Online Business Frustrations
It's been quite some time since I posted and that's due to new ventures. One in particular which I have spent the last few months working on as a side project and with that comes new online business frustrations However not all things are working out as I anticipated...
How to Plan a 6 Figure Product Launch
This week has been fairly intense. Have actually spent a lot of time locked away in product development and that’s what I want to look at today. How to Plan a 6 Figure Product launch. How to Plan a 6 Figure Product launch “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I...
Increase Online Affiliate Sales in One Easy Step
How can you increase online affiliate sales simply and easily? If affiliate marketing is your thing, then this is certainly for you! During a recent product promotion I have seen increased levels of clicks and buys, due to one simple implementation to my business. In...
12 Steps to Killer Sales Pages for the Novice Copywriter
As you know I do try to keep the Dan Sumner readers up to date with what I’m doing within my business and share some tips on how to enhance your own business in the internet marketing niche. Today is no different, I have "12 steps to killer sales pages for the novice...
4 Inexpensive Ways to Add Subscribers to Your Mailing List
4 Inexpensive Ways to Add Subscribers to Your Mailing List You only have 2 choices! Pay for it or work for it! And seeing as very few people want to pay for it or should I say the vast majority don’t want to pay for it, here are 4 inexpensive ways to add subscribers...
Are You Missing Something From Your Online Sales?
It’s no secret that creating and selling online products is an amazing way to generate massive income! Heck my last product launch created 5 figures in only 4 days! My buddy Omar Martin had a multiple six figure launch before the turn of the year. My friend Michael...