Marketing From Scratch PodcastMarketing From Scratch Podcast!

It’s time for a new podcast. The first one actually, so bear with me over the course of this podcasting journey where I will share with you some interesting information, interviews, strategies and marketing info. This is going to get exciting!

Ok, welcome to MFS001 my first podcast which you can check out below. If you remember my last post – Mega Product Launches Unravelled Part 1 You will know that I promised a part 2 which would be an interview with some great tips. Well it’s here! In this highly informative podcast you will learn:

  • The importance of launching a product
  • Why affiliates are so important
  • What types of launches are the best
  • Tips and hits on what is working
  • And much much more!

I hope you enjoy the podcast. Please let me know if you have any comments. Also John is running a $1 trial for his $2000 coaching course. If you want to get in on the action for only $1 check it out right HERE for a limted time only

Please click the play button below to listen in..


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