This week has been a busy one for me and the need for ways to increase productivity has been essential! On June the 9th (update your calendars) I have a new product launch with my friend John Thornhill and the schedule is tough to say the least. This is why the need for increased productivity and distraction free working is essential.
Here’s what’s been happening for the last few days and 14 Ways to Increase Productivity to Build Business and Motivation
1. Batching email into time slots – It’s not really that important to constantly check your email, unless you are waiting for a particular correspondence from someone. So with that said, try batching emails into time slots morning and evening; this way you don’t have to worry about distractions while working. Turn email off!
2. Get a virtual assistant (VA) – Something I have been looking into recently for certain tasks, but not yet took the step, but it is looking more likely. I’m currently reading Chris Duckers ‘Virtual Freedom’ and the ideas are flowing for the use of a VA. You can outsource all of your remedial tasks such as email, helpdesk, blog comments, information finding, basically there is a VA for anything you need!
3. Shut social media down – This is mega important! There is nothing like social distraction to kill your productivity. Social Media is exactly what it is and unless you have specific business on FB, then stay away from socialising while trying to work on your next big product! The last thing you need is to be looking at videos of talking cats or liking motivational pictures when you should be motivating.
4. Goal planning – Focus on your goals for the day and stick with them unless you absolutely must deviate. Daily even hourly goals are a great idea. Plan your day, don’t wing it and you will see your productivity fly.
5. Turn off your WIFI – Extreme I know, but for content creation there is no better place to be than offline! I wrote this blog post offline with a focus writer without distraction or temptation. If you don’t need research, working offline is perfect for focusing on your tasks and generating those next killer plans.
6. Get out of the house go somewhere different – Sometimes a change of scenery can inspire your creative self. Try coffee shops, restaurants, tranquil places such as nice scenery, even a change of location at home such as my fave place, my new leather chair and foot stool 🙂
7. Turn on music – I love listening to music and listening while working is a great way to increase productivity. However, depending on the music it can sometimes become a distraction. Singing your favorite song while writing content doesn’t’ work! Keep it low..
8. Use focus writers for content – As I mentioned earlier, using a focus writer is a great way to write in a distraction free environment. You see nothing but the screen and therefore it makes writing and focus a lot easier to manage. Try these focus writers:
FocusWriter (Windows/Mac/Linux, Free)
WriteMonkey (Windows, Free)
OmmWriter (Mac/iOS)
WriteRoom (Mac/iOS)
iA Wiriter (Mac/iOS)
9. Try Timeboxing – Timeboxing allocates a fixed time period, called a time box to each planned activity. Simply set yourself a task and an allocated time to complete some or all of it. Time boxing is an effective way for getting things done. By fixing the amount of time we spend on a given set of tasks say 30 minutes to an hour, you can focus on doing the things that matter which gives motivation to start.
If you look to complete full tasks in one sitting, then your motivation can slide due to facing that mountain! Time boxing allows you to start without the fear of completion. Try it!
10. Eat the right food – It’s not always about where you work or what you turn off to complete the tasks at hand.How you eat can be a major contributor to your daily life and how you feel. Eating tons of carbs can slow you down, so try eating power foods and lighter meals. Check out some of the power foods below from Business Insider:
11. Reward yourself – If you complete a good days work, give yourself a reward! Maybe some TV, some Xbox, you decide how to reward yourself for working hard.
12. Drink stimulating drinks – This might work for some. I personally hate coffee but love the smell? Anyone else have this problem? Stimulating drinks are good for short times when you need that little boost. If you are in for a long day, this may help but don’t over do it. The power food route would be a better option.
13. Pick the low hanging fruit – this for me works as it gives a sense of achievement. By starting the easy tasks first you put yourself into work mode which allows you to go on a tackle the harder tasks. With that said you can also flip this on it’s head which I have done in the past. Take a look at the hardest task on your plan and hit it with everything you have! If you accomplish this, the rest is simple, and guess what? Your sense of achievement is off the chart to..
14. Try a distraction – This one is something that very few seem to get away with. If I have some tasks to do when I can’t motivate myself to do without my full attention, I turn on a movie. Usually one which I have seen before, but this allows a background distraction which allows me to work as well as listen.
Trying different ways to increase your productivity is essential to the way you work. Spending time on social media, you are not going to get a great deal of business building done, unless social media is your business. You need to take action when it comes to building your business and ‘BUILDING’ doesn’t happen surfing the web, watch TV or socializing!
By working hard, smart and fast allows you to grow. Increasing productivity plays a big part in this.
How productive are you?
Hi Dan – I hope youre doing well 🙂
I missed talking to you at the marketing Summit last year as you went earlier than I thought you would.
There’s a couple of great tips in here and also in last week’s tools post – This is definitely a huge thing with marketers, just discipline and distractions – definitely goal planning and just having a daily system to prioritize and get done – money tasks – and important stuff 🙂
I used to be great on the food but have slipped recently. Thats one I definitely need to get back on top of. OK – I’m writing my copywriting Kindle book so will get back to it – that’s my goal for today – apart from sending out an email.
take care mate
cheers for some cool tips 🙂
Yeah Carl I missed you to buddy. I had a bit too much to drink 🙂
I have a goal for each day Carl. Good luck for the kindle book Carl..
Hi Dan,
after reading your list I can say that I am doing most of the things mentioned. Although I didn’t know about the expression of timeboxing, I actually use it since some time and it works quite well.
One more thing I do, but it is similar to turning off the WiFi, is switching the phone comepletely off. Not just the mobile, but also the landline. I find nothing is more disturbing than a sudden call from someone just wanting to have a chit-chat.
Cheers and good luck for the 9th,
Yeah I know. Sometimes you just need the silence and to be completely distraction free!
Hi there Dan.
Brilliant list of ideas there and I took up your ideas the last time that you listed all the focus writers.I tried each one one the list then but settled upon one.
To this day I love the “Focuswriter” as it allows me to clear my head of thoughts and then get them on to digital format for me to work on later adding the formatting, links and anything else to get the idea into a published state.
I too listen to music in the background as the silence sometimes annoys me and my mind wanders but at other times I need the silence.
Taking a break earlier in the year did make me realise that I can survive NOT being connected to the Internet, but this is like a habit for me and I struggle NOT to be connected, but do try. I find the internet is my addiction!!
Anyway will take note of some of the other ideas you have listed and try to implement them.
I know what you mean about the music Gary, it can be a distraction rather than a motivator. Taking a break is always a good thing. I do it a few times per year, just to keep it real. Too much internet time isn’t good for me lol.
Thanks again for sharing. I especially appreciate you introducing me to focus writers, which will certainly help me avoid the distractions.
Great stuff Jeff. I use my focus writer almost every day!
Hey Dan,
Thank you for showing me a couple ways I have not thought of to help increase my productivity. I especially like tip # 8 use focus writers. I have been so busy rebuilding my blog and productivity can sometimes be an issue none of which is motivation.
I consider myself a pretty good writer but for me it’s extremely difficult and time consuming. I’m going to download Focus Writer right after this comment and start using it.
I always appreciate you’re help,
Bart Nash
Bart Nash Online
Great stuff Bart, I’m sure you will enjoy the focus writers and what they have to offer.
Great post Dan, the suggestion about timeboxing is great I used to do this but with the idea of multi-tasking (not really possible) I had not tried it lately. I am currently developing content for my own product, creating content for 3 blogs and trying build a list at the same time so timeboxing will make this a easier to accomplish.
Wow Michael, that’s a lot of content buddy. Time boxing should be perfect for you! Good luck with the product.
Hi Dan,
Boy I can relate to this post! Today I was on digital sabbatical….until about an hour ago when I opened email. There we are: I’m still sitting here (this link came via email).
I’m getting so bad about letting things distract me, it’s time for your #5, pull the plug on wifi. That usually does the trick and after a few days of this I get back on track.
Thanks for the remiinder!
Tanya, it’s time to turn it all off and get creative without distraction. Glad this helped.
Hi Dan,
Thanks for the tip about FocusWriter. That is one I hadn’t heard of before, but I’m going to check it out. I can say that I do use the timeboxing, but didn’t know that is what it is called. I also do some of the others you mentioned (well…I do them here and there), but I have a hard time staying consistent sometimes.
Thanks George. I have been time boxing a lot lately to get smaller jobs done. I gave myself 2 hour windows (maybe a bit much) but it seems to be working well. Hope everything is good George!
Thanks for reminding me some of the ways to Increase Productivity to Build Business and Motivation. But the ‘Turn on music” portion sometimes when I’m working I don’t want a noisy place I want a quiet room so I can focus and concentrate. Distractions are everywhere; work-quality always suffers when you get interrupted so not only turn off the wifi including emails, other programs and cell phones. Just answer all after you have done your work. Waiting for another blog you post. Great post!
Hey Felix. I know what you mean about music. I have ear plugs in today because I want complete silence lol. Talk about both ends of the spectrum..
Very cool stuff Dan, I haven’t read Chris Duckers “Virtual Freedom” book yet, heck I haven’t even bought it but I will check it out now.
I think I should be able to do a lot more with a VA but as it goes for now, I’ll wait until I read Chris’ book first and then decide what to do in that aspect.
For me what works best is planning on an old school to-do list, starting with the low hanging fruit and timeboxing.
I recently heard about a speech from a US Marine that went viral in which he basically said that the importance of making your bed every single morning no matter what, was exactly that… it gives you this feeling of achievement so you can go through your day a lot easier without procrastinating and if you fell short for any reason, you can always go back to your bedroom and rest a bit in an already made bed.
It makes a lot of sense actually but I think I may have to find my own “bed” because my wife makes ours now (which I seriously appreciate because I NEVER made the bed lol)
Sergio Felix.
Lol, I must be getting some sense of achievement because I make 3 beds in the morning! Although I can’t go back and rest in Sam’s or Evies bed 🙂 Thanks Sergio