Do you have your blog headlines down and ready for action?
In this posts I want to give you a few tips on creating your titles and getting the most from a good title.
Choosing your killer headline
Creating a killer headline for your blog is essential. It’s the door to your blog post and a one we need to make as interesting as possible. Paint your door with pink and blue spots and it will be recognized.
I’m not saying create a crazy headline, not at all. However you don’t want to create a boring one either do you? The fact is if your headline doesn’t appeal, your blog post has less of a chance it will be read.
Let’s call it curious. The more curious you can make your headline the greater the chance you have of people reading your posts. The more people you have reading your posts, the more interaction you have and the more influential you can be when it comes to providing info you can sell. Does this not say that your headline has got to be just as important as your content?
Think of it this way. We all read the local tabloids and have a favorite magazine don’t we? The next time you take a look at a newspaper or magazine, take a look at the headlines. Or more to the point be mindful of what catches your eye. I will guarantee it will be the headline which you read which will determine if you will read the article.
Headline stealing is a great way to create great headlines. You see magazines have been stealing each others headlines forever. There are certain headlines that are always used to catch the eye. Not every single newspaper, advertisement or magazine uses a completely unique headline, this is obvious. They use what works, or at least variations of what works anyway.
Below you will find some great examples of headlines you can use on your own blog. These should help you grab some attention and give you readers some attraction. There are different types of headline you can use as well as actual headlines.
Different types of headline could be as follows:
Mistake headlines:
- Do You Make The Same Mistakes as Me?
- Have you Made these [blank] Mistakes?
- 10 writing mistakes you never knew you were making
- Do you make the same blogging mistakes as me?
- 15 mistakes that can make you look stupid
- 5 Mistakes you Never Knew You Were Making?
- Don’t Regret Not Doing [blank]
- The biggest online shopping mistakes you will ever make
How to headlines:
- Learn how to [blank]
- Learn how to speed read in 10 minutes
- Learn how to write 500 words in 10 minutes
- Learn to speak Spanish in 5 easy lessons
- How can you make $1000 per month on complete auto pilot?
- Learn to lose weight without dieting
- How to make the most of out a small wage
- How to be the best at what you do
- Learn How to Work from Home Today
- How to [blank] and [blank]
- How to manage your time more effectively
- How to be the best at [blank]
Threat headlines:
- The Shocking Truth about [Blank]
- 10 things about people you can’t trust
- 5 warning signs for [blank]
- The truth about the dangers of social media
- 5 warning signs about your blog layout
- 10 ways you will fail online
- How to protect yourself and your business from online fraud
- 8 things you need to be afraid of
- The shocking truth why your blog sucks
Minimalist headline:
- 5 Ways to Simplify Your [Blank]
- How can you be super simple?
- I can reduce your stress levels in 5 minutes
- 30 seconds from now your junk mail can be gone
- Minimal Cooking Guide
- How to Travel the World with nothing but 20 items
- Get Rid of [blank] Once and for All
- Too many projects? Here are 5 ways to minimalist heaven
- How to fix your [blank] in 5 Minutes
Popular brands headline:
- Market like [popular brand]
- 7 ways to launch a product like [popular brand]
- Increase your fitness levels and be like [famous athlete]
- Write like [famous writer] in 10 easy steps
- Learn the secrets of success just like [famous person]
- How to look like [famous film star]
- The greatest marketing headlines of all time by [brands]
- [brand]/[famous persons] secrets to total success
- What can [famous person] teach you about [blank]
List headlines:
- 20 Ways to [blank]
- 10 Ways to Become a Better Writer
- 10 Effective Ways to build your mailing list
- 5 ways to create a killer eBook
- The top 10 ways to modify your blog
- The Top 10 [blank]
- 101 reasons to [blank]
- Grab these 15 tips on how to [blank]
- The Top 20 List posts of The Year so Far
- 50 money making ideas you never knew
As you can see from the examples above, there are a lot of headlines you can use to attract the reader into reading your posts. It’s headlines just like these that the top magazines and tabloids use every day to grab the attention of their readers. And guess what? They work.
Your turn
Do you have your headlines down and ready for action?
Do you have a favorite headline?
Is there any headline you have in mind you can add to this list?
Don’t Forget
If you like it share it 😀
Sometime a negative headline will work very well, bottom line, it must bee emotional, how to gain pleasure or avoid pain. Basically you must answer the question what’s in it for me.
How about
Asking questions
Making an announcement
Calling out to a specific target audience
Arousing curiosity
Using specifics
Appealing to the emotions
Explaining exactly what the offer is
Highlighting benefit to the reader
Offering a strong compelling promise
Thanks Dan, this article post was really helpful .
The headline’s are great and they give me some
great ideas for more. Good Job !
Your blog is really looking great.
Zora Blume