Is it Too Late to Make Money Online?


Is it Too Late to Make Money Online


Is it too late to make money online? The Internet Marketing niche is one of the most competitive online. When I started online over 10 years now there were very few people sending out newsletters, a lot fewer offers arriving in your inbox and no mega launches like you receive almost every day now.

It is little wonder then that many of the new people starting out say to me that it was fine for me back then but it’s too late now. The Internet is too crowded, the big boys have been there a long time and have it all sewn up so there is no point starting now.

Well, the first thing I’ll say is that it’s a big mistake to think that just because you may have been made aware of the potential of making money online from someone selling Internet Marketing tools and books that you have to work in that marketplace too.

Nothing could be further from the truth. There are millions of small niche markets that can each bring in $200 – $300 (£100 – £200) a month. On their own, they may be nothing to write home about but you don’t have to stop at one.

What Can You Do?

Imagine having 10, 20, 100 of these. It wouldn’t be difficult to have 20 of these small niche ‘sites’ set up and running on auto-pilot in the course of a year each bringing you in an average of $250 (£125) a month.

By the end of the year that could easily be $5000 (£2500) a month and much more. There are profitable niches everywhere when you learn how to look. Check out the magazines in newsagents or at the airport if you are going away. It is very difficult to make a magazine pay.

Those that appear regularly on the shelves must be satisfying a hungry niche otherwise they would go broke.

How to Get Started?

A good start when looking for a possible niche opportunity is to think ‘How to…’. People are always looking at how to do something. Topics like How to speed read, How to write a book, How to manage your time better, How to be more romantic, How to attract the opposite sex … the list is endless.

Remember people buy what they want not what they need to concentrate on wants, that’s why gadgets are so popular. Nobody needs a gadget, they think it would be nice to have it.

Too many people make the mistake of thinking that it is too late to make money online and it is a get rich quick business. It is “get rich”, but get rich more slowly. Having said that 12 months isn’t that slow if you take action.

Take Action

Action really is the key here. You could just read all about this stuff, feel positive about it, imagine it but not get up off the sofa and in 12 months you will be right where you started.

Or you could do a little bit each day for 12 months and may be able to say goodbye to your boss forever.

Long term thinking and planning is the key to success but long term thinking is hard for many people.

Be Mindful

We are emotional beings, we want things fast and when someone sends us an email promising that they can get us there fast the temptation is very strong to abandon what we are doing and jump on the new opportunity.

I can speak from experience when I say that all that will get you is broke, disillusioned and way off your straight line. If you can change the perception of thinking short term and instant gratification great things will start to happen.


Look at it this way, if you put aside 2 – 3 hours a day to work on your business you would have spent around 1000 hours by the end of the year. We could learn another language in 1000 hours, just think about how your business will benefit from 1000 hours.

Think about doctors and lawyers. They study for years and hardly earn a penny along the way. But when they qualify, they really start to earn. You only have to spend 12 months, even less if you have more spare time and you would be there.

To go back to my earlier point about the Internet being too crowded now, let’s think about that.

A Saturated Market Or Is It?

So, is it too late to make money online? There are still millions and millions of people who are not online yet. There are billions of people on the planet and more being born every second, there are only millions online, not billions.

Out of the millions online how many are involved with Internet Marketing, in fact, how many are just surfers and not marketing online at all? By just being online and starting to learn your trade, reading blog posts like this one, you are already way ahead of the game.

Think and plan long term, do something every day and you’ll stay ahead of the game and before you know it you will be financially independent.

Moving Forward

I cover a lot of information about getting started online on my blog

If you asked me what the ‘key’ to success was I would say one word – Action. Without action, we stay where we are. It doesn’t have to be massive action, although that helps a lot too.

It is a bit like keeping fit. Doctors tell us that just 30 minutes walking every day will do it. It’s the same with our business. Plan long term and schedule something to do every day. Make it a habit and you’ll get there.

It’s understandable to think that with all of the competition online it’s too late to get started now.

When John Thornhill decided to start making money online and leave his brain-numbing job in the car factory for good, I had already been online for several years and there were lots of very successful people to compete with.

That didn’t stop him from getting started. He has gone on to be one of the sought after coaches online and coach many other students to equal success.

In fact, I use John as a coach myself now because there are always new techniques to learn.

You too can benefit from John’s help. The best place to start is by joining this free webinar and moving on from there.

If I can be of help please contact me at

This is a guest post from Trevor Greenfield, if you would like to be considered for a guest post please contact me.

Further Reading

What not check out How to Create a 6 Figure Product Launch HERE

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