How Do You Make a Good Lead Magnet?
In today’s guest post we will discuss how do you make a good lead magnet. These essential tips will help you toward building your online business and creating lead magnets that last.
Ok let’s go…
The simple definition of a lead magnet is an item or system that is used to encourage, motivate, or incentivize somebody to join your maling list.
The encouragement, motivation or incentives could be in any of the following:
- Access to a Podcast
- Lead Capture App
- Free Content Upgrade
- Free Trial
- PDF like research Report
- How-to video
- eBooks
Above are examples, but whatever format you want, this has to be tailored to the niche that you are working on. For instance, if one was operating in the Internet Marketing or Affiliate niche, one could come up with leads magnets title like:
- How to succeed in affiliate marketing
- Why affiliate marketing can make you millions
- The definitive guide to affiliate marketing
- 20% discount immediately
- Gift
- Free trial
I must add that a lead magnet should be specific and provide a solution or make life easier for the prospect, in addition, there must be perceived value that will justify somebody giving you his or her name in exchange.
“You are out of business if you don’t have a prospect.”
– Zig Zagler
The above statement couldn’t be said better by Zig Zagler. However, what I find fascinating is the fact that some operators do not seem to give lead generation the appropriate attention. Prospects or leads end up being customers; as such, if one does not have prospects or leads, then the business will eventually die.
It is, therefore, extremely important to have a system of adding leads to any business.
How do you make a lead Magnet?
It is essential you follow some steps in creating a lead magnet, for this will significantly affect the success of the whole process. Below are some of the steps you need to create a successful lead magnet.
1. Your niche may affect the nature of your lead magnet. Again, it is essential to identify what exactly you want to use as your lead magnet.
2. You need to identify who your customer is. The reason for this is that if you know who your customer is, then you will be able to reach out to him or her. For example, let say you have identified that the average age of your customer is between the age brackets of 35 to 65 and mostly male that is a basket fan. It will be easier to target him or her by placing your lead magnet where he or she will see it.
3. You will need to describe how your lead magnet will benefit the customer or how will your lead magnet solve their problem. This is the value proposition in marketing.
4. You will then create your lead magnet and give it a title or name. The name or title will depend on the nature of the product and your niche.
Now that you have identified your niche, it will still be in order to take a look at what others are offering as a lead magnet within your niche.
Having said so, you will need to do your research and try and locate where your potential leads congregate.
If for example, you are in the Internet Marketing niche, you should visit places like:
1. Amazon: This is a great place to get ideas about a lead magnet. See bestselling books within your niche and look at the comments. Target the negative feedback for this will enable you to pick ideas as to the possible problem that you can provide a solution in the form of a lead magnet.
2. Warrior Forum: The idea here is to look at some of the threads, and I guess that it will not take long before you identify threads with lots of comments or a particular problem that you could provide a solution for in the form of a lead magnet.
3. Face book niche Pages: A quick Google search will identify many facebook groups or Facebook pages within your chosen niche that will prompt, invigorate or give you some inspiration to come up with a lead magnet.
4. Youtube: Youtube could be an excellent or fantastic place to see which videos are getting views in your chosen niche. Look at the comments. The idea is that either the video itself or any of the comments could inspire you to come with a lead magnet idea.
5. Other web sites: Again look at web sites within your niches and see what others are offering as leads magnet. These will give you ideas. My advice is, do not copy.
6. Survey: These days, it straightforward to do a study. The way forward here is to use a questionnaire and ask people what their problems within your niche are. The result of the survey should enable you to determine your lead magnet.
What is a good lead magnet?
1. A good lead magnet should be so inviting that anybody within your niche should want to have it.
2. Should be short and concise. People have no time in this Internet age for long pages of information. The solution should be laid out as concise as one can get.
3. A Good lead magnet should be able to deal with the problem earlier identified.
It depends on the nature of the lead magnet but it is essential to include your contact information or your links for this could be passed on to others and with your contacts in the leads magnet other may be able to reach out to you either immediately or in the future.
Now that you have created your lead magnet, it is essential that you position your lead magnet where it can be seen.
In other words, you will have to promote your site to enable you to get traffic to the site and then use the lead magnet to entice then to sign to your list. How you go about this will be a subject for another blog.
Mark Twain succinctly said, “The secret of getting ahead is getting started.”
Hence, I hope that if you are reading this, you will follow me on this adventure, take my insights and use them to realize your dreams.
Jim Rohn said, “Ideas can be life-changing. Sometimes all you need to open the door is just one more good idea.”
Do not be found guilty of not trying.
If you ask me to recommend one piece of information that would help you get started and become a success, I will recommend you attend this Webinar by clicking here.
Attend the training and be sure to take notes. John has helped thousands of people succeed, and you could be next.
If you want me to write in any particular area on Home-Based Business Opportunities, make money online or related topic(s); please e-mail me at or comment below the article.
Casimir Biriyok is the Author of Home-Based Business Opportunities! 14 GREAT Home-Based Business Ideas for everyone.
I believe in exposing the home business opportunities in the changing workplace. The Author has both Corporate and self-employment experience.
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This is a guest post from Casimir Biriyok, if you would like to be considered for a guest post please contact me.
Further Reading
What not check out How to Create a 6 Figure Product Launch HERE